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Practice Exams ONLY (AWS Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02)

Included are two, 40 question practice exams to prepare you for the CLF-C02 (AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner) exam.


Explanations for correct AND incorrect answers are provided, with links to the appropriate documentation for reference.


Upon purchase you will receive a text file that contains instructions and links on how to access your exams. There is no limit to the number of attempts you can have on each of the exams.




1. Which of the following best describes the hybrid cloud deployment model?

    A. All of your resources reside in AWS, but they are in different VPNs.

    B. Some of your resources are in AWS, and the rest are on-premise.

    C. All of your resources are on-premise.

    D. Some of your resources are in AWS, and the rest are setup with a different cloud provider.


2. According to the shared responsibility model, which of the following is the customer responsible for?

    A. Patching physical servers.

    B. Operating system configurations.

    C. Ensuring availability of edge location servers.

    D. Maintaining AWS service offerings.


3. What does Amazon ElastiCache provide?

    A. A managed in-memory caching service.

    B. An automated in-memory service.

    C. A SQL database designed with caching in mind.

    D. A SQL database that can be deployed very close to your end users at edge locations.

Practice Exams ONLY (AWS Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02)

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